Bad Pool Electric Wiring – A Shock You Don’t Want To Give Your Pool

The warm Arizona nights tend to lead many to their swimming pools for an evening swim to beat the heat of the day. An evening swim can be more enjoyable with proper pool lighting because it can really improve the overall look of a swimming pool, as well as the price of a home. Great pool lighting not only makes it easy to go out for a night swim, but also makes your pool a very welcoming area. Here are some tips to consider regarding pool lighting maintenance to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience: Swimming Pool

  • Periodically, drain your pool and take a look at the actual lights in the pool: It’s a bad idea to continue to swim in your pool every summer without giving the interior of the pool a good examination. If you notice cracks in the pool, especially near the wiring of the pool lighting, you need to call a pool technician immediately. Also, it’s important to make sure that the pool lighting does not have any leaks that could reach the light bulbs.
  • Do not wait to replace a pool light bulb: It seems like a small issue but with certain pool lighting layouts, leaving a dead bulb in the socket can actually be a risk – not to mention an eyesore. Pool light replacement only takes a small amount of time and a calling a licensed electrician to properly replace your pool’s light bulbs could save your life.
  • Make sure you know what kind of pool lighting you have in your pool: Different kinds of pool lighting will require different maintenance procedures. Fiber optic pool lighting is not going to be treated the same as traditional light bulb pool lighting, and believing that you can treat them both the same way is a major mistake waiting to happen. So, do your pool and your family a favor and learn about different kinds of pool lighting.
  • Do not operate the pool light without it being submerged: The majority of traditional pool lighting uses the surrounding water to cool down the light bulb. Without water surrounding the light to cool it down, the bulb may explode or may cause the entire electric wiring in your pool to fry. This is an easy way to ensure that your pool lights will stay functional, and to make sure that you do not end up with any explosions above the pool.
  • Keep your electrical junction box as childproof as possible: The junction box is where all the pool’s wiring meet with the breaker panels. Children are curious and love to get into things and play around with them. However, as fun as playing in a pool is, having your child get near the junction box of your pool is not fun. Mishandling a junction box can end up with electrocution or just a seriously malfunctioning pool lighting system. Either way, make sure you keep your kids away from the junction box.

Pool lighting should be as low maintenance as possible, and with the help of a qualified electrician, who can occasionally fix small problems, your time in the pool should be as carefree as the summer days and nights can be. Not all Arizona electricians specialize in pool lighting maintenance so call a qualified electrician that has the expertise needed to properly repair pool electrical wiring and lighting.

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