Pool Electrical Safety Tips

Many homes have lights installed in pools. The problem is that pool electric wiring and pool lighting needs to be regularly maintained in order for it to stay safe. Without the proper electrical maintenance, a pool’s electric wiring can short out and cause pool electrocution. Needless to say, in order to keep your pool safe, you will need to maintain your pool’s lighting just as you would need to maintain the level of chlorine in your pool. Here are some tips to consider regarding pool lighting maintenance to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience: Swimming Pool

  • Routinely check for frayed wires around the pool area: Frayed wires plus water equals a very easy recipe for an electrical shock or a fire. If you notice frayed wires, call an electrician immediately.
  • Avoid super corrosive pool cleaning chemicals for the sake of your pool lighting fixtures: Most pool lighting fixtures are quite sturdy and won’t need replacement for decades. However, highly corrosive pool cleaning supplies can rust out the screws that hold the fixture in place, or even the fixture itself. As a result, this can speed up the time a fixture will last.
  • Ask an electrician for pointers on how to use your pool lighting safely: Each pool is a little different when it comes to its layout and its electrical needs, which means that at times, it can be hard to figure out what is safe to do and what isn’t. When in doubt of your safety procedures, call up a local electrician and ask them what they’d suggest. They will be more than happy to help you figure out how to work with your pool’s lighting.
  • Upgrading pool lighting can always improve safety: It’s a known fact that older lighting fixtures and older technology often doesn’t have the same level of safety design that newer lighting have. If your pool lighting fixtures and pool lighting system seem to be really out of date, then it’s best to call an electrician who can help you upgrade your pool lighting.
  • Fiber optic lighting can be safer than traditional bulb lighting is in pools: Fiber optic lighting is cooler to the touch than traditional bulb lighting and also tends to need less maintenance than the average underwater light bulb fixture. Though using this technology for pool lighting is still fairly new, it’s managed to receive quite a decent amount of applause from pool safety experts. If you are just considering installing pool lighting for your pool, fiber optic lighting above ground and inside your pool is often the safest and best option.

Does it sound like pool safety doesn’t take too much work to keep up to par? You’re right! It doesn’t take much effort to keep a pool safe if you know what you’re doing. Most pool electric wiring maintenance doesn’t really require much effort on the part of the pool owner, and that’s done by design. Not all Arizona electricians specialize in pool lighting maintenance so call Cirtcele Electric at 480-545-9600 We have the expertise needed to properly repair pool electrical wiring and lighting.


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