Things To Know About Regarding Electrical Safety In Mobile Homes And RV’s

Having a mobile home or an RV should not mean settling for an electrician without mobile home or RV electrical experience. Though there may be many electricians in Mesa but finding one with the experience and knowledge to properly repair mobile homes and RV’s can be difficult. It’s important to remember that owning either an RV and a mobile home requires a little bit of specialized knowledge to ensure that things don’t go haywire with your electrical circuits. Here are some good electrical safety tips for RV owners and mobile home owners alike:RV Mobile Home

  • RVs and mobile homes are more likely to get damaged from overloaded electrical sockets: This means that you should never plug too many devices into a single socket. Electrical distribution fires in mobile/manufactured homes pose the same risk as they do in traditional single-family homes!
  • Smoke detectors are a necessity and not an option: Smoke detectors and fire alarms save lives and for some reason, they are less common in mobile homes. Buy a smoke detector and keep it up to date. Similarly, if something seems unsafe such as putting a space heater near drapes, it probably is unsafe. Use common sense.
  • Basic maintenance can help avoid an electrical fire: Many preventable electrical fires can be avoided by having your mobile home heating unit serviced professionally once a year. Most mobile homes are prone to electrical problems dealing with heating. You can avoid this by maintaining your heater.
  • Invest in skirting material: An easy way to reduce the risk of an electrical fire is to keep debris, dry leaves, and other flammable things away from the bottom of your RV or mobile home, where much of the electrical gear rests. By installing some skirting material placed around the RV or home, you can keep out the grit that can cause electrical fires.
  • If you see frayed wiring inside or outside of your RV or mobile home, get it fixed IMMEDIATELY: Mobile home living in the heat of Mesa can cause damage to electrical wiring over time. Frayed electrical wires can cause fires, but also can cause electrocution if touched.
  • If you have an RV that works on batteries, make sure not to tamper with the battery system: This can cause fires, along with a slew of electrical problems that you simply do not want to deal with. There may be electricians in Mesa that do not have the expertise to work on an RV that has a battery that has been tampered with because of how dangerous it can be. Make sure your electrician has the experience and is qualified to repair mobile homes or RV’s.
  • Arizona’s dry climate makes electrical safety all the more important: Dry climates are more prone to fire, which means that you have to take extra precaution with your RV. The heat and dry climate can cause more than normal wear and tear on electrical components and the protective rubber around electrical wires.

The best way to make sure that you and your family are safe this summer is to have a reliable electrician in Mesa that specializes in mobile home and RV work. As long as you make sure to keep your mobile home well-maintained and thoroughly checked by a licensed electrician, you can rest assured that your home will be as safe as can be.


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