Electrical Safety: Ten Things to Know before Thanksgiving

As you start shopping for that Thanksgiving grocery list, it is also time to take inventory of the safety of your home before the family starts arriving, not just for Thanksgiving but also for the Holiday Season.

One of the things often overlooked inside our home is how we use our electrical outlets. Just because you purchase a strip or hub that plugs into ONE outlet and allows you to plug SIX devices into it, does NOT increase the power coming through that outlet or the safety. It could however, create a fire hazard if the strip or hub wears over time and cannot handle power surges.

This list should help you get started on making this Holiday Season a Happy and SAFE one!

  1. Replace or repair loose or frayed cords on all electrical devices.
  2. Avoid running extension cords across doorways or under carpets.
  3. In homes with small children, unused wall sockets and extension-cord receptacles should have plastic safety covers.
  4. Consider having additional circuits or outlets added by a qualified electrician so you do not have to use extension cords.
  5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for plugging an appliance into a receptacle outlet.
  6. Avoid overloading outlets. Plug only one high-wattage appliance into each receptacle outlet at a time.
  7. If outlets or switches feel warm, shut off the circuit and have them checked by an electrician.
  8. Place lamps on level surfaces away from things that can burn and use bulbs that match the lamp’s recommended wattage.
  9. Filled current fire extinguisher in the cooking area.
  10. Never connect extension cords concurrently if they are not long enough.

Electricity is not something to tinker with as do-it-yourselfer. Avoid fire hazards and costly repairs by calling a qualified electrician to complete the job for you so you can focus on enjoying the holidays.


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